to be a bartender
So you are a bartender? Is bartending even a career? What is it to be a bartender? Some of the questions I quite regularly come across. Many find it hard to believe while most find it intriguing, but shy away from asking any further. Maybe the same thought would be running through my head if I hadn’t been bartending myself. In a country where more often than not someone else has already decided on your career choice. Keeping in mind the high stakes it provides in securing your future. And bartending does not make that list by far. Now this makes it tougher for everyone at home and around you to fathom.
The hindrances you initially face from family can’t be harmonized with the encounters you come across from outsiders. And partly who would blame them for it? They have the so-called society and most importantly the relatives to answer to. And here is where you play your part. You need something known as “balls” to do what you want to, rather than doing something you don’t to please others. And in the bargain, if you fail, you make yourself a subject of ridicule. But if you succeed which 99% you would, You see the same people showering you with praise for the belief they showed in you. Passion rarely fails.

it’s a common issue here, and it’s not just with bartending. There are many other profession that makes this list of jobs to avoid. Didnt think I’d be a bartender, but desinty, my friend, thought otherwise. But once I got enlightened by the nuance of cocktail churning, the transformation was inevitable. And much acknowledgement must be showered to Rohan Carvalho, yes the same surname. Now that’s my younger sibling. Joined him at BarSquare, a Bartending Academy, one of the best bartending academies in India, managed and owned by him. And from there began the rollercoaster dazzling ride of bartending, which continues to date and hoping it stays this way.
the bar and the bartender
When it comes to working behind the bar, it’s a very serious business. Might give you an impression of a cool and chilled place to be, from the outside. But from the inside it’s a different perspective. . No amateurs are welcome inside the bar. Everything you see inside the bar is accounted for. Everyone in there is pro in what they do. That’s even the bar backs. Who generally tend to miss all the limelight but deserve much of the credit for setting up the bar and making the entire operation go smoothly. Every good bartender would have once been a barback.
What you witness during the operation may look fun, and as a matter of fact, it is fun to an extent. But the earnestness which accompanies it goes unnoticed. And here is where you have to credit the bartender for doing an exceptional job in masking the serious nature of the business. Everyone out there is in for a good time and that’s what we make sure they have.. For all those who think of bartending as a great weekend or part-time job. it’s here where you have to think twice. This is where we separate the boys from the men 🙂 . You don’t want to be in a busy bar with just basic pouring knowledge. if that’s what you think bartending is all about. Sorry! But you have got it all wrong.
If you want to get a hint of what it is to work behind the bar. You should step in 3 hours before we open doors and stay back till we close doors. It might change your entire perception of what bar and bartending is all about. It’s not just about making cocktails and pouring drinks. There is too much of the unseen that comes along with it. Skill is undoubtedly what one would require, and to make it sound better, skill is a must. So before stepping into the bar, make sure you ticked all the required criteria, or else just leave it to the so-called experts ..The Bartenders.

Stepping into a bar is like stepping into a different world altogether. It gives supernatural powers. makes you feel like ” Thanos” from the Avengers series. One-click and make them all disappear. 😉 No matter what the others think of it from the outside. This is now your kingdom and you’re the master of it for the next 12 hours or till it’s functional. The beautiful faces around you, all screaming for that one favourite drink or cocktail. And you decide who you would like to attend to and who you would want to vanish. Now this is Power 😉 .
Jokes apart, but the rush during the busy hour is a mess. And though we would not like to offend anyone out there, it’s something close to impossible to achieve. That’s where professionalism comes into play.
the bar zone

The bar is not a place for the weak-hearted or someone with no sense of humour. Humour is one thing present everywhere in the bar. if you get offended when hit by it, you know where to go 🙂 . Talking about the bar, it has seen a huge transformation from what it used to be to what it is at present. Ask the bar owners, they look for only bar professionals to man the bar and not some amateur. The credit here has to be given to the bartenders who made it all possible. Bartending is now to be considered a full-time job. The perks of bartending are unimaginable. This coming straight from the horse’s mouth is something to ponder about.
Bartending is not for kids anymore. it’s more of a passion-driven profession. Enter only if you are passionate about it. And the question gets thrown back to you. Do you have it in you “to be a bartender ?”